Fashionwise that is.
One of its most promising export products Tim Van Steenbergen showed his collection at Espace Commines in Paris.
His prêt-à-porter collection for Spring/Summer 2010 was beautiful.
It was feminine.
Colourful without being overly flashy.
The make-up was every girl's dream for summer and left the girls looking fresh with a hint of a tan. Wouldn't you want to show up to a party looking like this? The ladies looked their best with contoured cheeks and nude, pinkish lips. Girls from the city who look like they've come right off the beach.
The hairartists did a great job with the models hair slicked back, although the grey hair was a bit questionable.
His very Prada-esque collection was shown by various belgian models, which I personally think was a great choice on his part. It was a beautiful exhibition of belgian talent, in more ways than one.
Well done, Tim.
great post