My parents just left on holiday. Yes, I am envious as they are going somewhere sunny and it is still quite cold here. Unfortunately, I couldn't join them as I am working on my thesis (which basically is a huge essay you have to write in your senior year in university), which doesn't exactly brighten my day or makes me jump out of my bed with exitement. But I am guessing the same applies to a lot of you who have to get up really early to get to work. I still have the advantage of being able to sleep in. But let's get back to my parents. I love going anywhere sunny. I do. I have grown to appreciate fall and winter (some of the best outfits are the ones where you go out all bundled up), but I still can't bear the cold. I will always remain a warm weather kind of gal. The only hazard, really, is
getting there. 
I love going on vacations and I adore drinking my fabulous mojito while eating sushi with my Ray Bans on, because you wouldn't be able to see without them as the sun is so blinding. But I don't like sitting on an 10-hour flight to get there. I don't think anybody does, unless you are flying first class and even then it's still a hazard. The food is horrible (in economy, my dears, a little birdie (aka my Dad) told me food in first class is really jummy), the person you are sitting next to is probably a real pain in the butt and watching TV for 10-hours is not the most enjoyable way to spend your time.

The only thing you
can do, is dress well.
After having flown quite a bit, I have come to understand the best ways to dress for a flight. So here come my five rules for flying comfortably and stylish.

First, you have to be comfortable. Really. There is no point in wearing sky high heels during a 10-hour flight. You want to be able to crawl up in a bundle and fall asleep. Wear soft trousers, leggings or a long dress. Layer up!

Second, you have to keep in mind that you'll have to take a lot of items off during your check-in. So limit your accessories to the essentials, like your favorite watch and necklace or bracelet.

Third, wear flats. It
is the best way to go. You can take them off really easy during your check-in and you'll be comfortable during your flight as well (if they are worn in off course). I highly recommend the London Sole / French Sole range. They are a bit expensive, but they hold up so well. I wore mine for two years straight on and boy, did they endure a lot! Rain, mudd, walking in the city non stop. They held up so nicely and if I had them fixed, I could still wear them. I have read some complaints online about them being really fragile, but I haven't had a problem like that at all. It might be that some shoes have a 3mm sole and others go up to 6mm (like mine) or even 11mm, so it probably is better not to purchase the ones with the 3mm sole. Also be really careful purchasing them online ( for US customers and for European customers) because their sizes are pretty strange, I bought an India in a size 39 in Miami, whereas I normally wear a 38. Everything considered, they are a great purchase and I highly recommend them.

Fourth, carry a big bag that can fit a lot of your essential items that you really want to have with you on your flight. You have to be able to pack a book, a dvd and a little computer, a water bottle, some snacks (because I am not kidding about the food, it is
dreadful!), moisturizer, cellphone, ipod, socks (the airconditioning is a force to be reckoned with), a big scarf (again, the airconditioning), your camera, your wallet, your paperwork, etc. It's also best if you buy a product like Caudalie's Eau de Beauté, which you can buy in a travel size (for 10 euros) and is packed with some great essential oils and really moisturizes your face.

Fifth and final, pack your sunglasses. It's best not to wear any make-up as it won't hold up nicely, I don't know what it is, but after a 10-hour flight, you look like you haven't slept in days. It's best if you just don't wear any make-up at all, moisturize your skin to the fullest and still look fabulous wearing nice shades.

The best example I can give you of who does all this right, is model Miranda Kerr. I have no doubt in my mind she is an expert in flighing, so it won't hurt you to take a look at her outfits.
After all this advice, trust me, you are set to go and enjoy your flight supermodel-style!